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Merrion Vaults launches Fine Art & Antique Storage (Walk-in Vaults)

When we launched our safety deposit box business in Dublin, we provided various sized safety deposit boxes capable of storing cash, jewellery, title deeds, gold bullion etc.

We quickly realised that there was also strong demand for larger secure vaults capable of storing Fine Art, Antiques etc. On a daily basis, we were receiving enquiries for larger storage units. We then contacted a number of Art and Antique Dealers and Galleries in Ireland who confirmed that such a service would be invaluable both to the themselves and to their customers.

We also contacted several safety deposit box facilities in the UK to assess demand there. Harrods safety deposit boxes in London confirmed to us that there was a waiting list of 4 years for their walk-in vaults. Typical clients were storing fine art, large antique furniture and gold / silver bullion in their larger vaults.

Manhasset Vaultsnow offers this service to its customers.

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Safe Deposit Facility For The Digital Currency (BitCoin)

safety deposit box for bit coin storageBitvendo, the company that provides Bitcoin ATM facilities here, has formed a partnership with Merrion Vaults to provide a safe deposit facility for the digital currency.

Giles Byrne, head of marketing with Bitvendo, said Merrion Vaults was a natural partner for the group as there was a demand from holders of Bitcoin for somewhere to store their digital currency safely. “We have encrypted wallets inside the vaults. If you want to send bitcoin into those wallets, they are stored offline in an encrypted format where nobody can hack them.”

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Stash the cash: Keep your money and valuables safe

Keeping valuables at home is an open invitation to burglars, so why not keep them in a secure vault. asks Mark Keenan.

A wealthy Dublin-based entrepreneur is heading off to see a hypnotist this week – to help him remember where he stashed a wad of tens of thousands of euro he had hidden in a “safe place” in his house.

Having hidden away several stacks of cash for a rainy day, he recently went to retrieve them and discovered he couldn’t account for that last hiden hole.

Household stash mishaps are becoming far more common among the super rich.

Last year the gardai recovered more than 200 grand concealed in the former home of developer Tom McFeely on Ailesbury Road in Dublin 4 (Mr McFeely has denied it is his). Whoever put it there, had certainly hidden it away, believing it to be safe.

Then there was the case of the Barnardos curtains in highbrow Dublin 6. Charity shop staff discovered thousands of euro sewn into a pair of curtains donated by a resident in the area. The money was returned to the embarrassed owner after the shop issued an appeal through the gardai.

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Items Stored in safety deposit boxes

safety deposit boxes

As an owner of a safety deposit box facility, I constantly get asked the question “What is typically stored in a safety deposit box?”

Firstly, I would like to state that we never know what a customer stores in their safety deposit box. Each box contains a tray similar to the image attached. When a customer arrives at our facility, they remove the tray from the Safe Deposit Locker and take it to a private viewing room where there are no cameras and total privacy.

We generally advise clients to store items of value, items that are of sentimental value and items that are very difficult to replace if lost or stolen.

Typical Items Stored in a safety deposit box include:

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